November 2016 - Down River Resources | Your Elementary Math Guide

Top 3 Wishlisted Items That Will Benefit Your Classroom

Howdy, Friends! I have a special secret for  you... Teachers Pay Teachers is hosting a huge Cyber Monday sale! Shhhh! Keep it under your Santa cap! Alright?! I wanted to give you a quick peek at my top three wishlisted items in my store that will help you build numeracy ...


Foster Productive Math Discussions With Sentence Stems

One plus two is easy to solve, but math discussions about joining two addends together tends to be much more difficult for students. Can you relate? My classroom goal is to encourage discourse and give students processing time to make sense of mathematical concepts. This ...


How Do You Make Last Minute Preparations for a Substitute?

The temperatures are getting cooler. The sound of coughing students fill the classroom. It is only a matter of time until the teacher “catches them all.” It took me several years and moving to a large city to consider having an emergency substitute plan and tub of work! Nothing ...


6 Ways to Display a Simple Thanksgiving Craftivity

Teachers are very busy this time of year recovering from "Halloween Monday" (which should  be a federal holiday for the record), Fall Carnivals, and the all too common cold! Let's face it! We have NO time to pour our creative juices into an award-winning bulletin board! A ...

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