2020 - Down River Resources | Your Elementary Math Guide

The Best Ideas for a Christmas Party or Winter Party in the Classroom

WHEW! You made it to December and students and teachers alike are exhausted! Let me help you plan a socially-distanced party for your classroom, a Zoom party, or a Google Meet party! No matter if you are celebrating the end of 2020 virtually or in-person, you can have a memorable ...


The Best Book To Celebrate Multicultural Children's Book Day

Josh's Funk's How to Code a Rollercoaster is the best book to celebrate Multicultural Children's Book Day that inspires the newest generation of young female mathematicians and scientists. Sarah Palacios provides beautiful illustrations that combined with Funk's tale give a duo ...


The Best 3 Ways to Encourage Effective Discourse in Math

Discourse is the mathematical communication that occurs in a classroom. Utilizing discourse in the math classroom can be challenging. You may already be thinking: How can I get my students to explain their thinking? Effective discourse happens when students articulate their ...

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